In Chapter 2, I introduce the character, Henry Minnelton. Following the recent death of his Wife Elizabeth Minnelton, Henry has faded into the lifestyle of the recluse. He has shut himself off from the modern world that he blames for her passing. Things will be explained in further detail within the next novel in this series 'THE FIDDLER'S KID'. I show off a little of Henry's magical powers with his pipe hovering in the air, which infers that he has some form of control over the laws of physics. Henry's wears a giant pair of black magical boots, which will later become the inheritance of Alexus. From years of wearing these boots without rest, the boots have stretched and molded around his feet. His feet would be somewhere around size 14-16. Based upon his short height, this would give him an odd clownish appearance.

The Stockwoods abandon Alexus upon his doorstep, believing that he would have no choice but to take her in and care for her. The blanket in which Alexus was abandoned is the very same materials used for her arm sleeves (blue with white stars). After their plan unfolds, the Stockwoods immediately begin to regret their actions, but fully understand that it's better for her to be alive and healthy than in their care..... even if they were to never see her again!