Chapter 1- is set in New Orleans 1929 during one of the worst storms that the city has ever experienced. Earl Stockwood, Alexus's father is headed home from a day of caring for the animals and livestock of an upper echelon French family. The story begins with Earl Stockwood, a male of African American descendant, navigating his way home through the torrential environment. He is headed home to his wife Cherie, a light skinned woman of native Creole descent, and his five pre-adolescent children. Alexus at this time is a newborn. Alexus was born with a mortal heart condition and in this Chapter, I dialogue how the parents are overly concerned with the state of her health. Cherie is the first to consider the Voodoo man, aka Henry Minnelton, the strange reclusive man of whom they believe to be a healer of sorts. This belief is based solely upon a previous encounter, in which he miraculously heals their eldest son Earl Junior's broken leg. With Alexus's health growing more and more grave by the second and time running out, the Stockwood's- out of desperation- come to the conclusion that leaving the child in the Voodoo Man's care is the only way that she could possibly have a fighting chance to survive. Alexus's sister Gerty Ann, the second youngest of the Stockwood children, has a prophetic dream of her sister's future, which is the first foreshadowing of Alexus's rise to her position as Keeper of Dreams.